The wolf among us online game
The wolf among us online game

the wolf among us online game

In reality, LCG Entertainment is merely doing business as Telltale, though former employees are involved in the project. The company has been fairly cagey about whether the new Telltale has cleaned up its act. The executives indicated that using Unreal is making the production much easier. They also hinted that Bigby might have a little more flexibility when it comes to movement and combat but reiterated that this will not be a third-person action game.


CEO of Telltale Jamie Ottile and co-founder of AdHoc Games Nick Herman revealed that the new series uses the Unreal engine, which gives the characters a much slicker look. Right off the bat, the game looks a million times better.

the wolf among us online game

This is a neat callback to the first game, which opened with Bigby fighting the Woodsman from the Little Red Riding Hood story after the Woodsman began beating up a sex worker.

the wolf among us online game

The trailer shows Bigby and the Woodsman going at it in a terrific brawl. It brings him into conflict with two exiled residents of Oz, a pot-smoking Scarecrow and an ultra-violent Tin Woodsman. Now, the wolf is in anger manager and helping a mundy (non-fable) New York detective named Faye Leung investigate a case. It’s likely that similar to Telltale’s The Walking Dead, the new game will canonize some player choices made in the predecessor. Set six months after the first game but still 20 years before the comic series starts, Bigby Wolf has been suspended as Fabletown Sheriff, possibly for his actions during Season 1. On Wednesday, a livestream and new trailer showcasing part of Episode 1 dropped, and it was a doozy. At the 2019 Game Awards, a short teaser trailer was shown indicating that a sequel was in the works. The move left the future of the series in limbo. It was also where problems for the company started to escalate, leading to the company abruptly shutting down in 2018 over allegations of overworking its employees and violating California law by suddenly letting hundreds of employees go. Based on the popular DC comic series about mythical characters living secret lives in New York City, it was both a critical and financial success. Even for a company famous for making incredible video games out of licensed properties, Telltale’s The Wolf Among Us in 2013 was a high-water mark.

The wolf among us online game